Project International Questionnaire: Expressing Inner Light
‘Expressing Your Inner Light’
[Results are processed now]
For some time this questionnaire was available on this web page. Many people from all over the world have responded to this questionnaire and the results will be worked out now. As soon as the results are available they will be published on this website.
Original text of the questionnaire:
This questionnaire is meant to be a gathering of helpful ideas and experiences on how to express the light gained in the spiritual journey in the ‘real’ day to day world. A lot of us have years behind us of spiritual development in one form or another. Some worked with kundalini, perhaps had a meaningful awakening of kundalini, some worked with aura healing or reading, others with intuitive massage, meditation or were actively involved in a spiritual movement. We had wonderful, special and sometimes painful experiences on this ‘journey within’. After years of this, a culmination or turning point can take place, a new question and focus arises: How do I use all the beauty, insight and light I found to make a difference in the world? What does it mean to function in the world with this developed inner ability and inner light? This path has many challenges as did the path within. What is needed – how have others along the path made this transition? For those who recognise this – we ask you to fill in this questionnaire – so we can create a signpost along the way for each other. So share your stories, helpful hints and insights. The results of this questionnaire will be described in a report for other people ‘on their way in life’.
Original questions:
Question 1: Can you tell
a) of the most important spiritual developments in your life,
b) what did it mean in your life (positive and negative)
c) one or more examples of meaningful spiritual experiences?
Question 2:
a) How do you live the spiritual insights you have gathered in your present day life?
b) How did other people react to this (positive and negative)? and c) How would you like to express your inner light in the long run? (Please I love examples, you can take all the space you want)
Question 3: What is helpful to you specifically,
a) to fully express the inner light in your life
b) to recognise you are on the right track?
c) to become aware that you went out of connection
d) to find it back?
e) to encourage others to express their inner light
f) to recognise that somebody else expresses their inner light (stories please)?
Question 4 : How much did your spiritual development improve the quality of your life?
Quite a bit
A little
It worsened
Both: improvements and other things worsened
Question 5: For how long you have been on the spiritual path?
not more as one month
not more as one year
1 – 5 years
6 – 12 years
13 – 20 years
21 – 30 years
more as 30 years
Question 6: What is your age?
under twenty
20 – 30 years
31 – 40 years
41 – 50 years
51 – 60 years
61 -75 years
more as 75 years
Further comments, also book titles and articles about this topic, are welcome and can be send by email.