
If you’d like to know more about the Kundalini Network and the possibilities it offers for information, spiritual development and healing, please contact:

Pierre van Eijl

Pierre van Eijl has been an aura reader and healer since 1984 when he graduated in Utrecht, The Netherlands, in an ‘aura reading method’ originaly developed by the Berkeley Psychic Institute in California, U.S.A. He became fascinated with kundalini energy when he saw how important this energy was in the aura readings he did for his clients. Since the end of the eighties he focussed on giving kundalini aura readings and healings. By 1993 he had collected so much information and know-how that he wished to pass it on. Thus the first ‘kundalini exchange group’ was formed. In this unique group, the kundalini was activated in a structured and safe meditative way for spiritual development and healing. The spiritual heart center appeared of key importance for an harmonious development. The chosen approach included also the important technique for ‘cooling down’ of the kundalini system. The first year of sessions of this group form the basis of a book in Dutch language, he wrote about the development of the kundalini system. Surprisingly, many of the experiences and insights that were discovered in working and playing with kundalini energy were later found to have a broader basis. Common ground was found in esoteric books and experiences dealing with yoga, healing, new age and old masters. That doesn’t mean the different authors on kundalini necessarily agree with each other! At this moment his special attention is staying in contact with the deepest source in human consciousness and living it in society. Specific meditative exercises are offered in private sessions.

For information you can call ++31 (0)30 231 4345 in the Netherlands or mail.


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